Sunday, January 24, 2010

New Orleans Saints Pictures, Images and Photos

Hell has frozen over and pigs are flying outside my window as I am typing.....it will be a BLACK AND GOLD SUPERBOWL!!! The SAINTS are marching to MIA. Too excited to type much more!!

Thanks for caring,



Happy 2010!!

 Friday, January 1, 2010

happy new year Pictures, Images and Photos

I have never been one to make resolutions so why start now!? There are however several things in my life that I would LOVE to improve upon in the coming year.

I want to get my house in order! If you have ever had the misfortune of visiting my house you know that I could be on an episode of "Hoarders." Nah-I am not THAT bad but I really could stand to throw some stuff away!

I have vowed to put the smokes away for good! I do not want my daughter to have to watch her mother die gasping for breath.

I am also going to try and appreciate what I have, versus being sad or upset over the things that I do not have or wish I had. I am really not an envious person, but it is fairly easy to fall into the trap of thinking that everything would be so much easier/better "if only we had......." you fill in the blank.

Thanks for caring,


P.S. I will definitely be around here more often in 2010!


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